
Updates on v2.6.6 등록일자 2018.05.23

Hi Ka'Talkers,
Check out what's new on the latest updates.


◼︎ Show Friends with Birthdays
You can now view the list of friends who have birthdays today on the top of your Friends List. 


◼︎ Pin More to Top
For those of you who wanted to pin more chatrooms to the top, you can now pin up to 5 chatrooms!


◼︎ Reply
You can reply to a message in a chatroom.
Simply right-click a chat-bubble you would like to reply to and select "reply."
Type in a message and you can send a reply message with the original message attached.

If you want to see the original message, just click the original message and you can see the past dialogue right away.


◼︎ Filebox Shortcut
You can now easily access the Filebox with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl +J.
Open up the filebox using the shortcut and see the list of files you've sent and received at a glance.


Stay tuned for more useful updates!


Enjoy talking,
Kakao Team
